Powershell Foe Penetration Testing : Part 4

Vipul Vyas
3 min readFeb 14, 2021



Get-Command →Help →Get-member

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) (powershell 3 or lower) which use for information of operating system which is base on Common Information Model (CIM)



memory counter

get-command *counter*
Get-Counter # allow all memory, Porcessor, phisical Disk
get-counter -listset *memory* # list all memory counter
get-counter -listset *memory* | where countersetname -eq 'memory' | select -expand paths
# expand is user for display all path in given countersetname (... display all)
get-counter "select path from above list" # show count
get-ciminstance win32_physicalmemory
# get data from win32 classes and dispaly all the physical memory information

Disk information

get-cimclass -classname *disk* 
get-wmiobject -Class Win32_logicalDisk

BIOS information

get-cimclass *BIOS* # win32_BIOS is a bios related class
get-WMIobject Win32_BIOS
get-ciminstance win32_BIOS

display when system rebooted last

gcm *event*
help get-eventlog
help get-eventlog -example
get-eventlog -log system -newest 1000 | where-object eventid -eq '1074' | format-table machinename, username, timegenerated -autosize


ip configuration

ipconfig /all
gcm *ip*


gcm *DNS*
help get-DNSclient


gcm *SMB*
help get-smbmapping -example
get-smbmapping # display all mapping
help new-smbmapping -example
New-smbmapping -LocalPath S: -RemotePath \\DCO1\Shares

ping and tracert

ping ip
tracert ip
Test-Netconnection ip # same as ping
Test-Netconnection ip -TraceRoute # same as tracert
Test-Netconnection -CommonTCPPort [HTTP | RDP | SMB | WINRM] -ComputerName google.com # it use ping and tcp both


change in registry it direct impact to system so take backup

if package installed is 1 than it is installed on machine if you want to reinstall it than set it to 0 so whenever user login than it reinstall

help get-psprovider # powershell provider
set-location HKLM:
# Registry user so set to that location HKML:\software
set-ItemProperty -path .\wirebratinCoffee(path of applicatoin) -name PackageInstalled -value 0

File And Printer

list file

help get-childItem -example
get-childitem -path M:\ -Recurse -Include *.PNG
# all png file in M:\

copy file

gcm *copy*
help copy-item -example
copy M:\DdesktopBackgrounds -Destination C:\Backgrounds -Recurse -Verbose

move file or folder

move-item C:\Backgrounds -Detination C:\MovedFolder -verbose

Rename folder or file

rename-item c:\movedfolder -newname c:\RenamedFolder

file permission

icacls.exe | more  
# display how to use view,set permission
icacls M:\desktopfolder


gcm *printer*
get-printer # all printer
get-printer -Computername DCO1
help add-printer
add-printer -connectionname \\dco1\MKTG-PR-101
remover-printer -name "printer name from above list"

Active Directory

user Detail

gcm *user*
help get-aduser
help get-aduser -example
get-aduser -Identity "username" -properties * | more

get locked or Disable Account

search-adAccount -lockedout | select name # display all AD locked Account
search-adAccount -AccountDiable | select name #display disable account

AD Compuer Detail

get-adcomputer -Filter *   # display all computer name
get-adcomputer -Identity [CLient02 | computername] -Properties * | more # get detail about compuer like os ,accounts

group info

get-command *group*
help get-adgroup -example
get-adgroup -filter *
get-adgroup -filter * | where name -like "*MKTG*"
# group name like marketing share group
get-adgroup -filter {name -like "*MKTG*" } # same as above

add group member

get-admember -Identity "MKTG User" | select name
add-adgroupmember # add member in group

get which member is in MKTG and in city seattle

get-aduser -filter * -properties * | get-member | more
get-aduser -Property name,city,department -filter {Department -eq "MKTG" -and city -eq "seattle"} | FT samaccountname,city,Department -autosize > seattle.txt # it give table format

Happy Hacking ………;)

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